Corporate Development

The Emory Group offers strategic planning, development and consulting services to ensure organizations achieve their full potential. Change is inevitable; having the right partner to help guide you through it is invaluable.

Strategic & Organizational Planning

Improve your organization’s performance by focusing its energy and resources on what matters most. A clear vision and strategic plan allow an organization to capitalize on its strengths, compensate for its weaknesses, and ensures the entire team is pulling in the same direction. The Emory Group has proven methodology that engages key stakeholders across the organization to develop a practical, actionable plan for moving forward.

Business Development

The world is constantly changing; a fresh perspective can help identify new opportunities and improve effectiveness. The business development process has many facets, each a critical component to driving a positive ROI. The Emory Group has a team of Subject Matter Experts with proven track records to accurately assess the environment and identify opportunities to achieve growth.

Operation Management

Become more efficient and increase profitability by assessing the environment, streamlining, and harnessing the power of technology. The Emory Group takes the time to understand your business so that it can provide recommendations unique to your business.

Human Capital Development

​People are the lifeblood of an organization and its greatest resource. It’s important that you nurture their development, inspire the heart, and ensure their success. The Emory Group works with you to create the right corporate environment (organizational structure, benefits, policy, and procedures) that not only reinforce the corporate culture you desire but also provides the maximum value for your team.

Free Evaluation

Ready to create change that matters? Contact us today.